Madrid wants Taxi and VTC drivers to know languages: this is how the new rule affects them

Madrid wants Taxi and VTC drivers to know languages: this is how the new rule affects them In case you didn't know, in Madrid, the City Council and the Transport Department of the Community of Madrid are taking measures to ensure that taxi and chauffeured transport vehicles ((VTC)) driverss have adequate knowledge of the Spanish language.

This responds to an increase in foreign driverss who do not speak Spanish and the need to improve the quality of service. In this article, we will explore how this new rule affects taxi and VTC driverss and what changes are expected in the coming years.

The Madrid City Council has decided to toughen the entrance exam measures for taxi driverss. This is due to the growing presence of foreign driverss who obtain their driving licenses through specific courses that, in some cases, are taught in languages other than Spanish, such as Urdu.

In response to this situation, the Transport Department of the Community of Madrid is working on a new taxi regulation that will include a Spanish test. This measure will apply to both taxi driverss and VTC driverss, whether they hold a license or work for an external company. The test will cover a series of minimum knowledge related to language, first aid and the location of relevant places in Madrid.

Font: Motor16


Posted on October 24, 2023

